Saturday, September 11, 2010

Coffee Love

Dear Foodies,

It may or may not be fair to say that the first morning mouthful of coffee is an indication of what is in store for the day. If the cup is satisfying and soothing, the day is likely off to a promising start.

For me, that first taste is a light to medium roast. It’s smooth as it sits on top of the tongue, but strong in smell and taste. The sip overwhelms you for a second; nothing else matters. Stillness. The chocolate colored liquid sits hot and warm in the gut. It’s warm all the way through you. It’s the stillness before the storm of the day train hits you head on. You’ll know when you meet this cup of coffee. You can count on your hand, maybe both hands if you are fortunate, the number of times this cup of coffee stumbles on you in a lifetime…unless you live in Seattle!


Unknown said...

For me, it's all about the thick, caramel colored crema and the marshmallow-y, cloud-like foam that defines java perfection.

Rachel said...

Mmmm...I want one right now!

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